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Signatures of Divine

"Signatures of Divine" by NeedToBreathe


Psalms 66:1-3

Shout for joy to God, all the earth!

Sing the glory of his name;

make his praise glorious.

Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!

So great is your power

that your enemies cringe before you.


Christians are known for their "rollercoaster faith." You might start out slow, go up a hill and be super excited about God, then go down the steep drop and feel like God has no part in your life. Have you been on this ride before? Sadly, it is very common. We need to shout for joy to God daily regardless of how we might be feeling that day. After all, God is greater than everything in our lives; nothing else stands a chance.


Yahweh, We praise You for Your glory. You give us strength so that we may accomplish tasks that are challenging for us. Our lives would not thrive without You. We shout our praises to You, oh Lord. Amen.

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