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Kings & Queens

"Kings & Queens" by Audio Adrenaline


Psalm 82:3

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.


Today was supposed to be a big, exciting day for my husband, myself and a group of several others who were supposed to be leaving for Guatemala today. We were going to fly into the city and drive another six hours in a bus to embark on a journey with a remote village. In fact, many of these villagers still speak the Mayan dialect and don't know Spanish. This entire trip we were going to be partnering with Food for the Hungry (FH) and supporting the organization with their work in these communities. We were going to also be meeting our sponsor children that we each sponsor through FH. Most children in these areas only reach third grade, but with our support they have the opportunity to reach middle school grades. If you have the opportunity to sponsor a child, I would highly recommend it!

My sponsor child and I during my trip in 2018.


Father, Thank You for Your people. You have called us on the great commission to tell others about You. Thank You for placing this trip on our hearts and I pray that we will get to go on this trip soon! Amen.

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08 juil. 2020

Thank you for what you do for the Kingdom Of God and those around you!

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